Thursday, November 15, 2012

Conch Republic's Re-Secession Canceled

A Key West bookstore was the first place I ever saw the complete works of V.I. Lenin, so I always mistakenly assumed the place was a hive of hippie leftism dressed up in an alcoholic coma, but I guess I should have realized that no one was buying for a reason. Seriously, I'd like it to be a funny snarky comment that some sad fuck topped himself because Obama won re-election, but I have to wonder if some mental illness was present. Either that or this man was, in one of the gay-friendliest places I can think of, so self-loathing that he was thinking of becoming a Scientologist, cause they cured Tom Cruise, right?

A Key West man who told his partner that "if Barack gets re-elected, I'm not going to be around" was found dead on Nov. 8, with the words "F--- Obama!" scrawled on his will and two empty prescription bottles nearby. The rest is here

1 comment:

  1. Further research (i.e., reading the Huff Po, which quotes Yglesias at Slate, has informed me that under the Affordable Care Act, tanning salons are newly burdened with a 10% excise tax, which may explain some of the venom. Some.
