Thursday, October 11, 2012

Rick Scott and Phone Sex?

This has all the makings of a classic Florida story. Rick Scott, Florida's current governor accidentally, told the public to call a phone sex line if they were feeling symptoms or had questions about fungal meningitis. He meant to give out the number for the Florida Department of Health (The disease claimed its first Florida victim on Tuesday) 

The screw up prompted one commenter to WUSF's website, which reported the mistaken number, to ask whether this was really a simple mistake or something more nefarious, clearly implying that Gov. Scott simply regurgitated a 866 number that he knew by heart because he dials it multiple times a day. 

Florida public officials have had their fair share of sex scandals in the past, but this one, if true, would be especially hilarious simply because it's so juvenile. We expect our elected representatives to at least utilize the governor's mansion with real prostitutes, sneak around to various hotels with a mistress or at least send salacious text messages. Smiling and dialing so-to-speak just seems so half ass and unlike what a real Floridian would do. For that reason alone, it was probably an honest mistake, but a humorous one nonetheless.    

Here's a good roundup of Rick Scott controversies. 

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