Sunday, June 17, 2012

New pickup tactic - defecating on the beach

What was this guy thinking??  I guess when you gotta go, you gotta go...

via FloriDUH blog

Open letter of apology from the state of Florida

via Thought Catalog:

Also, we were marred earlier this year by a neighborhood watchman and the dangers of wearing a hoodie. Once again we were able to steer your attention to our state for appalling circumstances, and for that we cannot apologize enough. Just as we were hopefully erasing your memory of Casey Anthony, we brought you Trayvon Martin. Sorry.

But we cannot end there. Our apologies should have first started the day Elian Gonzalez landed on American soil and instilled in us the belief that dolphins really do save lives. We had your attention, America, as we pushed and pulled this little guy’s American citizenship. In the end, our beloved Marisleysis lost out and unfortunately, we will never let go of that image of the gun in little Elian’s face on that fateful morning.

Carl Hiassen on why Florida is so weird

Unfortunately, the full 60 Minutes interview with Miami Herald columnist and novelist Carl Hiassen is not embeddable. But, you can access part of it via this link. The real vs. made up quiz with Steve Croft leaves you wanting more.

Florida - God's gift to comedy